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Friday 1 April 2011


Welcome back bloggers!

    Today we will be talking about the movie Paul. As usual, we will begin with predictions, then storyline, characters, themes and last but certainly not least rating. I chose to discuss and investigate on this movie because if you were following before, the last Alien movie post wasn't as descriptive, so this hopefully will back it up! Some basic information you should know about this film is that it is a comedy, sci-fi, and adventure film. Apparently, this film is also rated R!
    In Paul, I predict that two road trip buddies will  come across and alien during their adventure. From the looks on their faces Im thinking they are scared out of their minds but also maybe interested? When someone is scared they often have a huge gasp look with their eyebrows lifted. However if you look at the faces on the two men, they have a gasp but their eyebrows are not lifted. They look like they are really fascinated! In addition to facial expression, you can see that the man on the left is applying pressure onto something in front of him. When someone does this they show that they are trying to restrict themselves from danger. In my opinion these men are definitely fascinated by the sighting of an extra-terrestrial! I find that the eyes on the alien are very interesting, they look like the universe. Because the alien has its hands in its pockets, I'm thinking it is very calm. The backpack on his shoulder isn't sealed fully so maybe there is something very interesting in it? Hopefully some of my predictions are correct because this is begining to sound like an interesting movie!

    Clive Gollings and Graeme Willy are two buddies that go on an adventure to America's UFO country. While they are there, they accidentally bump into an alien who brings them on an insane road trip that will definitely change their life forever! For the past 60 years, the alien named Paul has been hanging out at a top-secret military base. When he finally discovers he's been taken prisoner to be investigated on, he realises that he must escape the compound and catch the first ride he can find, which happens to be an RV containing Graeme Willy and Clive Gollings. On this adventure not only do the humans befriend the alien but they are also hunted down by federal agents and a crazy father of a woman that they "accidentally" kidnap. So, Graeme and Clive quickly plan out an escape plan to return Paul to his ship. Because of their compassionate feelings towards helping this alien, they might just become heroes of another planet!

    Now, CHARACTERS! The main characters of this film are Clive Gollings, Graeme Willy, and of course Paul the alien. Clive is played by Nick Frost, Graeme is played by Simon Pegg, and Paul is played by Seth Rogen. Why is it that these names sound so familiar? That's because these actors are phenomenal comedy actors and they really know how to make a movie a comedy! Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are known for Hot Fuzz, which is quite a movie if you ask me! Seth Rogen is really well known for Pineapple Express, Knocked Up, Super Bad, and The Green Hornet!

    The themes of this movie include sci-fi, adventure, and comedy. Basically the whole movie is really a funny joke. The alien Paul is new to the outside world, and he toys around with the two geeks like a child playing with their vegetables. All of the myths about aliens are mentioned and they really make this movie one of a kind. This is also an adventure because two men are on a ROAD TRIP. That pretty much says it all. The rating of this film is R, and I find this very interesting. I thought it would be a family movie so maybe like PG 13. I never thought that there would be so much "inappropriate" material that it would make it R. The movie is 7.5 out of 10 stars. I think I would give it 8.5 just because Seth Rogen makes the funniest jokes, and the animation in this film is seriously not that bad!

Thanks for listening!

1 comment:

  1. this movie looks really funny, I will most definitely be watching this.
