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Saturday 9 April 2011

The Hangover Part II

Welcome back bloggers!

    Today we will look into the movie The Hangover Part II. If you are a true movie fan then you must have seen the first movie, The Hangover. Now, they are making a PART 2, this movie by far is one of my favourite movies! I am so excited for this movie to come out because it's hilarious, and it really is an amazing adventure that I think many men wish to have! As usual, we will begin with predictions, then storyline, characters, themes, and finally rating. I hope you enjoy!

    In my opinion I think that this movie will be just like the first one. In the first movie Doug had his bachelor party in Vegas and it turned out to be something all of them would remember for the rest of their lives! The problem was they lost Doug, the groom and so they had to go find him before the wedding began. What caused the problem in the first place? Alan, Doug's brother in law, was the one who slipped a few pills in all their drinks before the night began causing the loss of memory. These pills weren't just any memory forgetting pills; they also made them high as well!  This time I think that Stu, the man with the tattoo will have his bachelor's party and the same thing will happen all over again. I predict that this will happen because in the first movie, Stu was going to propose to his girlfriend however he realised she wasn't the one. Phil is already married, and I believe he has a son already, so he's out! Alan is different from guys, so he's out too! This leaves us with Stu. This movie will really be a blast to watch, I predict that many new adventures will be seen!

    Phil is getting married! All his buddies including himself will travel to Bangkok for the wedding only to find themselves in another post-blackout misadventure. However, this time they don't loose the bachelor, or anyone part of the Wolf-Pack, they lose Stu's future brother in law! The reason why this movie is such a popular one is because everyone knows that a bachelor party is supposed to be the craziest night of your life! People throw parties, or travel to somewhere out of the blue. The thing that draws the audience is the excitement, and thrilling parts of the movie that make it humorous. This storyline relates to real life because sometimes, not always, things like this will happen. The parts that hold friendships together include these parts, and I think that it is important to have experiences that are strange, or unique just like this. A good friend of mine once said "Our destiny is not pre-determined, but solely what we make it to be." -Maurice B. I think that this quote is a perfect example of what I'm trying to get at. An instruction manual that guides us through life isn't handed to us at birth; we have to write the book.  I think this pretty much sums it all!

    Now the Characters of the film! Bradley Cooper plays Phil Wenneck, Ed Helms plays Stu Price, and Zach Galifianakis plays Alan Garner. Obviously, all three of these amazing actors are known from the original movie, The Hangover. I think that they are wonderful actors, especially Ed Helms. He really shows his emotions on the camera, and this is why people laugh! Zach is also an amazing actor; he plays a slightly disturbed man, Alan. I always find it interesting when you see actors playing characters that are different totally from who they have to "become". All of these actors are amazing in their own unique way! The genre/theme of this movie is COMEDY. No doubt about it! The whole movie from start to finish is about laughs. The rating of this movie is not yet released, but I would personally give it a 10 out of 10 stars. I loved the first movie and I believe this movie will just get better.

Thanks for listening!


  1. I'm excited! but it sounds a lot like the first movie.

  2. I have never seen the hangover series, but I've been vaguely interested in seeing them. It's such a pop-culture staple at this point though that I suppose I probably should at some point, and the sequel encourages it.

  3. I'm not sure if it'll be as good as the first movie, generally is seems sequels ruin the original.Despite that, it looks really funny :)
