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About the Blog Manager......

Hello fellow bloggers,

     If you don't know yet, my name is Mr.D.F. Some of my hobbies include, snowboarding, surfing, camping, going outdoors, hanging out with friends, carpentry, swimming, tennis, and of course WATCHING MOVIES! I personally think that I watch a lot of movies that fall under sci-fi, action, comedy, adventure, and thriller. I am currently in high-school in Boston, and I don't really know what I want to be yet, maybe a movie producer/documenter. My favourite hockey team is the Chicago Black Hawks. My favourite basketball team is the Boston Celtics, because they are simply amazing. I enjoy watching movies that are thrilling, funny, and adventurous because usually they have interesting story-lines. Ever since my family bought a DVD player, I have been watching many movies but in the summer, that's a different story.

     I created this blog because I want to talk about upcoming movies. Like any other teen, I like to relax. That's why we chose to watch TV, but really what makes us want to sit on a couch? The truth is, we are BORED! As teenagers we always need to be interested, we need sports, and time to hang out with friends. The problem is that school takes a toll on our minds, from switching classes to staying up at night trying to finish a project, time flies. I believe that once in a while it is good for you to just watch a movie with friends or family because this bonding time can be very memorable in the future. To get back to my point, teens like to be interested/entertained.

     One way to stay entertained is of course, to watch a film that you are interested in. My personal favourites are, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Avatar, Shutter Island, I am Legend, Harry Potter (all), Inception, Robin Hood, The Dark Night, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The Hangover, Iron -Man and the list goes on!  There are many actors that I like but my favourite actors are, Leonardo Dicaprio, Will Smith, Russel Crowe, Bruce Willis, Daniel Radcliffe, and Paul Walker. I like these films because they all have strong meanings, and amazing special effects! The actors mentioned above are my favourites because they all have a bold personalities, and it really makes every movie worth watching.

     Why should people listen to me? Well to be honest, I have no idea what to say because there really is no right answer when it comes to your personal feeling about movies. If you asked a librarian to tell you what their thoughts were about a book, you don't really have to listen to them, but it was your decision to ask them in the first place, so to answer the question above; you came to my blog. Some of the topics that I will be covering are, themes, characters, rating, storyline, meaning, special effects and if possible, how everything relates to our society. So there's a little snapshot about my blog, I hope you enjoy it!
Thanks Mr.D.F


  1. I love movies too! You should check out Donnie Darko, it's a really good movie.

  2. I think movies are great, I also like some of your favorite movies such as: The Lord of the Rings and The Hangover. If you enjoyed The Hangover you should watch Due Date if you haven't yet.

  3. This Blog sounds interesting. I cant wait for some upcoming posts!

  4. Thanks for the advice jake d!

    The Due Date sounds like a really funny movie! Thanks for your compliments! :)

  5. Sounds like you'll have some interesting things to say, Looking forward to it. Good job.

  6. Mr.D.F!!!!!
    You're really funny ^-^
    Can't wait to see your other posts :D
