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Tuesday 22 March 2011

Battle: Los Angeles

Welcome back fellow bloggers!

    The movie that we will be talking about today is, Battle: Los Angeles. Like always we will start off with predictions, storyline, characters, and finally the rating! I chose to discuss about Battle because it has to do with aliens! WHO DOESN'T FIND ALIENS INTERESTING? OBVIOUSLY NO ONE. Let's face it, if we don't die from killing ourselves, aliens will come and kill us. In addition, I would really like to see what this director thinks about aliens, and how he pictures them. Some basic information about this film, well I already told you but just in case you weren't paying attention, ALIENS.

    From my point of view this movie looks like a day in the life of any other human being. They are relaxing, hanging out with friends, doing activities whether it is indoor or outdoor, but there is a twist! Suddenly, all hell breaks loose and before you know it, ALIENS are invading the earth trying to demolish everything that is around you, including people. On the poster we see people witnessing meteors and lots of destruction. I'm not sure about them but if I was in the water, I would probably freak out and get to safety A.S.A.P. Instead we see that they are still in the water, watching gracefully pretending like the meteors are big butterflies......embarrassing. I predict that this movie will take place in Los Angeles because it says so in the title, but other than that I'm predicting that some people will survive........?

    Basically the storyline is about a retired marine that comes back into the army to help another marine as they fight off the strange forces attacking Los Angeles. Im not too sure how I can explain more about the storyline without giving it away, so I guess you'll just have to watch it!

    Now onto the character of this film. In this film, Aaron Eckhart plays the main character Sgt. Michael Nantz. I personally think that this is a strange fit in characters but I guess I'll have to see the movie. Michael Nantz played "Two Face" in the Dark Knight, and this character was evil! So, my point is I have only seen this person star as an antagonist, and never a protagonist. Some of the themes in this movie include sci-fi, action, thriller, and adventure. This content might not be suitable for younger ages as it shows pretty scary stuff in the eyes of a young one. This movie definitely falls in sci-fi and thriller because it is talking about ALIENS, and really  we have no "intel" in human history that explains them in detail. The rating of the film is 7 out of 10, PG 13. I think that this score is perfect for this movie, just because there are not any big actors in this film, but it doesn't mean I don't like the story! Overall, I think this will be an interesting movie.

Thanks for listening!

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