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Saturday 19 March 2011

The Adjustment Bureau

Hey bloggers it's time for post number 2!

    Today we will be talking about the movie The Adjustment Bureau. Like the first blog, we will begin with predictions, then the storyline, then characters, themes, and finally the rating.Some interesting information about the film is it's got romance, even though its a thriller/sci-fi kinda movie......I hope you enjoy!
    From my point of view I predict that this movie will be about a middle-class, working man that ends up in the wrong place at the wrong time witnessing something he was not supposed to witness. I believe that he will find his wife, and run away from the people that want to kill him, and his family. In the poster we can see that there are shadows of people on the buildings, why is that? Well I think theses shadows represent the people that are after the man! If you pay close attention, you can see that they are wearing hats, and trenchcoats. This type of clothing is mainly seen on business people, and government agents. The facial expressions given off by the charaters indicate that they are scared, and that they want no part in whatever is going on! Hopefully the woman in this movie wont be running, and jumping over things with high-heels on because if she does, well she diserves an award. The background image of this movie poster has a lot of buildings, therefore I think that this movie will take place somewhere in New York! -Predictions

    Okay well basically a man named David Norris is a politician. He is closer to winning the seat in the US Senate than ever, and he meets a ballet dancer Elise Sellas. He finds out about a government force that changes the fate of the future, and this does not please the Adjustment Bureau as the movie would call it. And so, the men of the Adjustment Bureau are sent on a mission to keep apart the two lovers. In the end David must choose between being with the woman of his dreams or living a fake life. Personaly, I believe that once you do meet your life partner you will do anything to be with them. In this case I think that Mr. Norris will choose the right decision and be with his true love forever. How does this storyline relate to our society today? In our society today many people don't believe in fate, and this movie shows that even though your fate may be determined for you, in the end you are the one that has to choose to live it or make your own. However, some people wake up everyday believing that something special will happen to them. This is a very good attitude towards life, because believing that something will happen to you is as good as making something happen.

    Now on to the characters of the film. David Norris is played by Matt Damon. I think that Matt Damon was a good choice for this movie because he looks like a political guy. Damon has been starred as very important characters, and also main character of very inspirational films such as Invictus, The Bourne Trilogy, The Ocean's Saga and many more. He makes the movies that he's in very intense because of his way of speaking, I think. Also, it's very interesting so look at things in life because you can never really tell if something that is present could, would, should be any better if given different circumstances. So I guess like the overall storyline, fate is never predetermined, but instead you need to figure it out yourself.

    The themes of this movie include, romance, action, thriller, and sci-fi. Many of the scences of the movie involve running, car chases, and possibly explosions. I think that this movie did an interesting job of choosing theme attributes to mix them up together because you don't usually see romance, and action together! Other than that, I can't really think of anything else to say about themes! The overall rating of the film is 7.2/10, PG-13. I would personally give it 8/10 because the soundtrack of the trailer makes the movie seem very intetesting, and some of the special effects look awesome aswell. I also think that this movie could work really well if you wanted to just watch a movie with a friend or somthing like that. All in all, a good movie.

Thanks for listening!

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