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Monday 21 March 2011


Welcome back movie fans!

    Today we will be discussing about the movie Limitless. As usual we will begin with Predictions, then the storyline, Characters, Themes, and finally the Rating. I chose to pick this movie today because the first post was about animation, the second was about thriller, so I decided to mix it up and throw in some action! Some basic information you should know about this film is that the main character is Bradley Cooper, and he is one funny guy!
    After looking at the movie poster, I predict that this movie will be about a wealthy man that parties all the time, and is at the top of the world. I think that maybe this movie will be split up into three categories, because the poster is cut into three parts. The first part seems to show that this man is having a blast, whether it is with the ladies, a nice sports car, or playing poker. The second part shows that the man is reaching his climax of fun, and is a bit bored of it all. The third part shows a man about to jump of a building! Well as you can see this might turn out to be a very interesting movie because there is such a big change up of emotions. I also predict that there will be drugs involved in this movie because of the blurry effects put on the poster. Usually the street lights and color are not smudging around in your perspective unless you are intoxicated. Now the title "Limitless" definitely tells another story. When people think about this word I presume they think about unreachable destinations, or something that can never be achieved. I think that Limitless really means there is NO LIMIT to what something can be, do or become. Anyways these are just the predictions we have the real storyline coming up next.

    Basically, this movie is about a writer that is on the brink of getting fired because he slacks, and can't get his book done. Out of the blue, he meets an old friend that introduces him to a NEW drug that enhances the human mind. Some people believe that humans today can only use about twenty percent of their brain power, and what this drug does is it lets you use your whole 100% of your brain power. This of course lets the writer, Eddie Morra become superhuman. This new life begins to take over, and before Eddie knows it, he is rich, famous, smart, confidant, and in his mind, unstoppable. However, drugs do have side effects. Eddie begins to lose his mind, and his supply of this drug is beginning to run low. On top of all this, there are people that want Eddie because like any field of business, people want to be at the top. Danger now lies ahead of Eddie as he must escape the forces that are trying to kill him.......... -So there is the basic picture of the story.

   Bradley Cooper stars in this film as the book writer. He is one of my favourite actors because he is funny, stylish, and he makes the movie talk to you. Bradley was born on January 5th, 1975 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He also starred in the movie The Hangover, and soon enough there will be a Part 2 to the movie, which I am VERY EXCITED TO SEE. In addition to Bradley Cooper, Robert De Niro also stars in this movie. Robert was born on August 17, 1942, in New York City. Some of my favourite movies with Robert De Niro in them are, Meet the Parents, and Meet the Fockers.

   The themes of this movie include mystery, thriller, and action. I think that this movie is considered mysterious because  we are always wondering what will happen next. I predict that there will be a lot of scenes where Eddie Morra is running away from the forces that want to take his gift away because the trailer above really sets the tone about the people that are after him. The rating of this film is 7 of out 10, PG 13. I personally think it is a 7.5 out of 10 because I am interested in this storyline, and I really wish to find out what happens in the end.

Thanks for listening!

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