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Sunday 10 April 2011

X-Men: First Class

Hey bloggers!

    Welcome back to "movieswdf", I really hope you enjoyed listening to my posts before but I'm afraid this will be the last blog post for a while! Today we will be talking about the movie, X-Men: First Class. Once again this film is based off of Marvel, and I personally think they did another fantastic job on transforming this story to real life. As usual we will begin with predictions, then storyline, characters, themes, and finally rating. Some interesting information about this film is that this movie is the first building block of mutants, and how Magneto and Professor X began their rivalry.

    I think that this movie will show us how mutants got their special gifts, how Professor X met Magneto, and how something changed along the way separating them from friendship. I think that this will happen because I've heard that this movie will show us how mutancy all began. The first thing that comes to my mind is WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, HOW, and WHY? In previous movies regarding the X-Men they were always on missions trying to save the world from Magneto, or some other villain. I've always wondered, why Magneto? Or how come Magneto and Professor X had a history of friendship? Or how did people get these special gifts? Theese are just some of the questions when it comes down to X-Men! This movie saga on mutants is really interesting to me because I've always what it was like to fly, or be extraordinarily different from others. In the previous movies the mutants despised being different and they always dreaded having their gifts. I think that it would be a privilege to have something really special that others don't. It's kind of having a different face from everyone. Every single person on this planet is special because no two people have the same face; I wonder why the mutants can't think of having powers as having a different face! However, coming out as a different person in our society today can be dangerous too! When we see drastic changes in our world we, as humans start to panic because we don't appreciate change. We think that change will kill us but to be honest, this is what evolution is!

    The storyline says that before Charles Xavier (Professor X) and Erik Lensherr (Magneto) became rivals, they were two young men discovering their powers for the first time. Before they were archenemies, they were best-friends, working together along with other Mutants (some familiar, some new); to stop the greatest threat the world has ever known. In the process, something had changed between them, and this began the eternal war between Magneto's Brotherhood and Professor X's X-MEN. So basically we are going to see them meet up, and learn about their special gifts, and while they do this they will become best friends. However the climax of this story is when something changes and life morals become different. This is the reason friendship can no longer be. I think that this would be the perfect storyline because we see this all the time in our society. Best Friends from elementary change when you start high-school, and high school best friends change when you're in university. After university you probably won't even remember what elementary was. People change and there is really nothing we can do about it. Goals in life change from time to time, and so do morals.

    The main characters are of course, Magneto played by Michael Fassbender, and Charles Xavier played by James McAvoy. I have never heard of Michael Fassbender, but I sure have heard of James McAvoy! James is known form Wanted, The Chronicles of Narnia,  and Gnomeo and Juliet. Michael is known from Inglorious Basterds. I think that theses two actors are alright picks however, I have never seen Michael Fassbender before so I'm not too sure how his personality moulds with James'. I can't wait to see the movie!
    The themes of this movie include action, drama, and adventure. I believe that there will be a lot of gunfire, explosions, and fighting scenes knowing this movie is about mutants trying to save the world from a dangerous threat. There has not yet been a rating for this film, but I would personally give it an 8 out of 10 stars. It seems really interesting, and the storyline sounds really realistic, so this movie is probably going to be good!

Thanks so much for listening though these posts, I hope you had as much fun as I did!

Saturday 9 April 2011

The Hangover Part II

Welcome back bloggers!

    Today we will look into the movie The Hangover Part II. If you are a true movie fan then you must have seen the first movie, The Hangover. Now, they are making a PART 2, this movie by far is one of my favourite movies! I am so excited for this movie to come out because it's hilarious, and it really is an amazing adventure that I think many men wish to have! As usual, we will begin with predictions, then storyline, characters, themes, and finally rating. I hope you enjoy!

    In my opinion I think that this movie will be just like the first one. In the first movie Doug had his bachelor party in Vegas and it turned out to be something all of them would remember for the rest of their lives! The problem was they lost Doug, the groom and so they had to go find him before the wedding began. What caused the problem in the first place? Alan, Doug's brother in law, was the one who slipped a few pills in all their drinks before the night began causing the loss of memory. These pills weren't just any memory forgetting pills; they also made them high as well!  This time I think that Stu, the man with the tattoo will have his bachelor's party and the same thing will happen all over again. I predict that this will happen because in the first movie, Stu was going to propose to his girlfriend however he realised she wasn't the one. Phil is already married, and I believe he has a son already, so he's out! Alan is different from guys, so he's out too! This leaves us with Stu. This movie will really be a blast to watch, I predict that many new adventures will be seen!

    Phil is getting married! All his buddies including himself will travel to Bangkok for the wedding only to find themselves in another post-blackout misadventure. However, this time they don't loose the bachelor, or anyone part of the Wolf-Pack, they lose Stu's future brother in law! The reason why this movie is such a popular one is because everyone knows that a bachelor party is supposed to be the craziest night of your life! People throw parties, or travel to somewhere out of the blue. The thing that draws the audience is the excitement, and thrilling parts of the movie that make it humorous. This storyline relates to real life because sometimes, not always, things like this will happen. The parts that hold friendships together include these parts, and I think that it is important to have experiences that are strange, or unique just like this. A good friend of mine once said "Our destiny is not pre-determined, but solely what we make it to be." -Maurice B. I think that this quote is a perfect example of what I'm trying to get at. An instruction manual that guides us through life isn't handed to us at birth; we have to write the book.  I think this pretty much sums it all!

    Now the Characters of the film! Bradley Cooper plays Phil Wenneck, Ed Helms plays Stu Price, and Zach Galifianakis plays Alan Garner. Obviously, all three of these amazing actors are known from the original movie, The Hangover. I think that they are wonderful actors, especially Ed Helms. He really shows his emotions on the camera, and this is why people laugh! Zach is also an amazing actor; he plays a slightly disturbed man, Alan. I always find it interesting when you see actors playing characters that are different totally from who they have to "become". All of these actors are amazing in their own unique way! The genre/theme of this movie is COMEDY. No doubt about it! The whole movie from start to finish is about laughs. The rating of this movie is not yet released, but I would personally give it a 10 out of 10 stars. I loved the first movie and I believe this movie will just get better.

Thanks for listening!

Monday 4 April 2011

Captain America: The First Avenger

Hey bloggers!

    Today we will be talking about the movie Captain America: The First Avenger! As usual we will begin with predictions on the movie, then storyline, characters, themes and finally the rating. I chose to pick this movie because I have always been a fan of Marvel Studios, and now that they've decided to make a movie on Captain America just makes me want to see it! The reason why I am a fan of Marvel Studios is because they do a really nice job transforming comic book stuff into real life, and everything just seems to flow. Some interesting information about this film is Chris Evans plays Captain America.

    In this movie, I predict that a man will undergo extraordinary experiences that turn him into Captain America. Just like Hulk and Gamma Radiation or Spider-Man and the spider, or Batman and Bats, I believe Captain America will have some sort of special trait as well. In addition to a special trait I believe that this movie will be filled with action packed scenes because the background of this poster has a lot of dust, dirt and rubble in the air. Also, the shield seems to have a lot of scratches on it so I'm guessing that didn't come from kitten scratches. Captain America seems to have a special uniform/suit that he wears to battle, I wonder what it symbolizes? I think that in this movie Captain America will be fighting in a war, and not super powered villains. That's all of my predictions on this film I hope you had fun listening to them!

    Here is the real storyline; Steve Rogers is rejected from the army because he doesn't meet the requirements. Steve Rogers is a really patriotic citizen and he wants to fight for the American Army, however he isn't the right fit for the army. Because of his small size, the army recruiters look down on him and send him away. This bump in Steve's American dream however does not stop him; he signs up voluntarily to a top secret research project that turn him into Captain America. I'm thinking a massive dose of STEROIDS, but that's just me! I think that this storyline is a very inspirational one. In life nowadays, many people are rejected from jobs because they don't fit the requirements. Whether the slight disadvantages came from genetics or just bad luck, people should have the right to be a part of what they are passionate for. I think that we do a very good job at making sure everyone can be a part of things here in Canada. For example, people that want to serve our country but don't meet the requirements can still do other forms of military work. This is what I like about Marvel productions, their movies always, if not most of the time have strong meanings attached to them.

    The main character of this film is Steve Rogers or Captain America. This character is played by Chris Evans. I think that this is a very good match up because I believe that Chris Evans has similar personality traits like Captain America. Chris is a funny guy, but when it comes down to important things he shows the qualities of a leader. Chris Evans is known mainly from Fantastic Four, and Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer. However Chris has also been in many other movies.

The themes of this movie are action and adventure. Obviously this movie falls under the category action because it's a film about a hero fighting of bad people or things. Moreover, this movie is also an adventure because you go from a flimsy man doing nothing into a superhero saving the world. The overall rating of this film has not yet been made, but I would personally give it an 8 out of 10. I think that this will be a wonderful movie not only because the storyline has great meaning but also the whole notion of a man that is determined to help his country is just brilliant!

Thanks for listening!

Friday 1 April 2011


Hey bloggers!

    Today we will be talking about the movie, Thor! As usual we will begin with predictions, then storyline, characters, themes and finally rating. Thor comes from Viking Mythology not Greek Mythology. I chose this movie because it sounds like an action packed film filed with a lot of interesting history that normally people don't explore deep enough. Some basic information about this film is that the movie is fiction!
    I think that this movie will consist of a lot of action. From the looks of the movie poster, I can see that the movie will be about Gods. The advertising team did a good job on spatially managing the poster making the title, Thor stand out really well. I also like how they decided to centre "THE GOD OF THUNDER" part. On the other hand if I were to make a movie poster on Thor I think I would put the well known weapon on the poster as well. Instead of a focused shot of the character himself, if he was holding on to the Hammer, with the quote written on the surface of the hammer, I think that it would look pretty good too.

    The warrior Thor is casted out his home of Asgard by his father Odin because of his arrogance, and rude attitude. Thor is sent to Earth to live with the humans. On Earth Thor realises he has fallen in love with a scientist, Jane Foster. She teaches Thor lessons on how to be polite, and respect people. Problems arise when a villain from Asgard his home realm sends forces of evil down to Earth.

    The main character of this film is of course Thor, and he is played by Chris Hemsworth. In addition the Thor, the woman he falls in love with is Jane Foster, played by Natalie Portman. Odin, Thor's father is played by Anthony Hopkins. Chris Hemsworth was born on August 11, 1983 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. He is known from Star Trek, A Perfect Getaway, and lots of TV shows. I think he is a really good actor because I've seen Star Trek, and even though he only shows up for about 5 minutes, he stuck in my head!

    The themes of this movie include action, adventure, and drama. I think that there is drama in this film because it involves love, and romance. When there is love and romance mixed with action and adventure, Drama is the perfect fit that makes the movie interesting. The rating of this movie is 8 out of 10 stars. There is no official age limit set yet, but I'm probably thinking PG-13? This movie contains violence and action but I don't think that there is enough to make it 14A or above. I personally would give this movie the same 8 out of 10 stars because I'm interested in learning about Viking Mythology and I really haven't seen, Thor from a movie's perspective.

Thanks for listening!


Welcome back bloggers!

    Today we will be talking about the movie Paul. As usual, we will begin with predictions, then storyline, characters, themes and last but certainly not least rating. I chose to discuss and investigate on this movie because if you were following before, the last Alien movie post wasn't as descriptive, so this hopefully will back it up! Some basic information you should know about this film is that it is a comedy, sci-fi, and adventure film. Apparently, this film is also rated R!
    In Paul, I predict that two road trip buddies will  come across and alien during their adventure. From the looks on their faces Im thinking they are scared out of their minds but also maybe interested? When someone is scared they often have a huge gasp look with their eyebrows lifted. However if you look at the faces on the two men, they have a gasp but their eyebrows are not lifted. They look like they are really fascinated! In addition to facial expression, you can see that the man on the left is applying pressure onto something in front of him. When someone does this they show that they are trying to restrict themselves from danger. In my opinion these men are definitely fascinated by the sighting of an extra-terrestrial! I find that the eyes on the alien are very interesting, they look like the universe. Because the alien has its hands in its pockets, I'm thinking it is very calm. The backpack on his shoulder isn't sealed fully so maybe there is something very interesting in it? Hopefully some of my predictions are correct because this is begining to sound like an interesting movie!

    Clive Gollings and Graeme Willy are two buddies that go on an adventure to America's UFO country. While they are there, they accidentally bump into an alien who brings them on an insane road trip that will definitely change their life forever! For the past 60 years, the alien named Paul has been hanging out at a top-secret military base. When he finally discovers he's been taken prisoner to be investigated on, he realises that he must escape the compound and catch the first ride he can find, which happens to be an RV containing Graeme Willy and Clive Gollings. On this adventure not only do the humans befriend the alien but they are also hunted down by federal agents and a crazy father of a woman that they "accidentally" kidnap. So, Graeme and Clive quickly plan out an escape plan to return Paul to his ship. Because of their compassionate feelings towards helping this alien, they might just become heroes of another planet!

    Now, CHARACTERS! The main characters of this film are Clive Gollings, Graeme Willy, and of course Paul the alien. Clive is played by Nick Frost, Graeme is played by Simon Pegg, and Paul is played by Seth Rogen. Why is it that these names sound so familiar? That's because these actors are phenomenal comedy actors and they really know how to make a movie a comedy! Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are known for Hot Fuzz, which is quite a movie if you ask me! Seth Rogen is really well known for Pineapple Express, Knocked Up, Super Bad, and The Green Hornet!

    The themes of this movie include sci-fi, adventure, and comedy. Basically the whole movie is really a funny joke. The alien Paul is new to the outside world, and he toys around with the two geeks like a child playing with their vegetables. All of the myths about aliens are mentioned and they really make this movie one of a kind. This is also an adventure because two men are on a ROAD TRIP. That pretty much says it all. The rating of this film is R, and I find this very interesting. I thought it would be a family movie so maybe like PG 13. I never thought that there would be so much "inappropriate" material that it would make it R. The movie is 7.5 out of 10 stars. I think I would give it 8.5 just because Seth Rogen makes the funniest jokes, and the animation in this film is seriously not that bad!

Thanks for listening!

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Battle: Los Angeles

Welcome back fellow bloggers!

    The movie that we will be talking about today is, Battle: Los Angeles. Like always we will start off with predictions, storyline, characters, and finally the rating! I chose to discuss about Battle because it has to do with aliens! WHO DOESN'T FIND ALIENS INTERESTING? OBVIOUSLY NO ONE. Let's face it, if we don't die from killing ourselves, aliens will come and kill us. In addition, I would really like to see what this director thinks about aliens, and how he pictures them. Some basic information about this film, well I already told you but just in case you weren't paying attention, ALIENS.

    From my point of view this movie looks like a day in the life of any other human being. They are relaxing, hanging out with friends, doing activities whether it is indoor or outdoor, but there is a twist! Suddenly, all hell breaks loose and before you know it, ALIENS are invading the earth trying to demolish everything that is around you, including people. On the poster we see people witnessing meteors and lots of destruction. I'm not sure about them but if I was in the water, I would probably freak out and get to safety A.S.A.P. Instead we see that they are still in the water, watching gracefully pretending like the meteors are big butterflies......embarrassing. I predict that this movie will take place in Los Angeles because it says so in the title, but other than that I'm predicting that some people will survive........?

    Basically the storyline is about a retired marine that comes back into the army to help another marine as they fight off the strange forces attacking Los Angeles. Im not too sure how I can explain more about the storyline without giving it away, so I guess you'll just have to watch it!

    Now onto the character of this film. In this film, Aaron Eckhart plays the main character Sgt. Michael Nantz. I personally think that this is a strange fit in characters but I guess I'll have to see the movie. Michael Nantz played "Two Face" in the Dark Knight, and this character was evil! So, my point is I have only seen this person star as an antagonist, and never a protagonist. Some of the themes in this movie include sci-fi, action, thriller, and adventure. This content might not be suitable for younger ages as it shows pretty scary stuff in the eyes of a young one. This movie definitely falls in sci-fi and thriller because it is talking about ALIENS, and really  we have no "intel" in human history that explains them in detail. The rating of the film is 7 out of 10, PG 13. I think that this score is perfect for this movie, just because there are not any big actors in this film, but it doesn't mean I don't like the story! Overall, I think this will be an interesting movie.

Thanks for listening!

Monday 21 March 2011


Welcome back movie fans!

    Today we will be discussing about the movie Limitless. As usual we will begin with Predictions, then the storyline, Characters, Themes, and finally the Rating. I chose to pick this movie today because the first post was about animation, the second was about thriller, so I decided to mix it up and throw in some action! Some basic information you should know about this film is that the main character is Bradley Cooper, and he is one funny guy!
    After looking at the movie poster, I predict that this movie will be about a wealthy man that parties all the time, and is at the top of the world. I think that maybe this movie will be split up into three categories, because the poster is cut into three parts. The first part seems to show that this man is having a blast, whether it is with the ladies, a nice sports car, or playing poker. The second part shows that the man is reaching his climax of fun, and is a bit bored of it all. The third part shows a man about to jump of a building! Well as you can see this might turn out to be a very interesting movie because there is such a big change up of emotions. I also predict that there will be drugs involved in this movie because of the blurry effects put on the poster. Usually the street lights and color are not smudging around in your perspective unless you are intoxicated. Now the title "Limitless" definitely tells another story. When people think about this word I presume they think about unreachable destinations, or something that can never be achieved. I think that Limitless really means there is NO LIMIT to what something can be, do or become. Anyways these are just the predictions we have the real storyline coming up next.

    Basically, this movie is about a writer that is on the brink of getting fired because he slacks, and can't get his book done. Out of the blue, he meets an old friend that introduces him to a NEW drug that enhances the human mind. Some people believe that humans today can only use about twenty percent of their brain power, and what this drug does is it lets you use your whole 100% of your brain power. This of course lets the writer, Eddie Morra become superhuman. This new life begins to take over, and before Eddie knows it, he is rich, famous, smart, confidant, and in his mind, unstoppable. However, drugs do have side effects. Eddie begins to lose his mind, and his supply of this drug is beginning to run low. On top of all this, there are people that want Eddie because like any field of business, people want to be at the top. Danger now lies ahead of Eddie as he must escape the forces that are trying to kill him.......... -So there is the basic picture of the story.

   Bradley Cooper stars in this film as the book writer. He is one of my favourite actors because he is funny, stylish, and he makes the movie talk to you. Bradley was born on January 5th, 1975 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He also starred in the movie The Hangover, and soon enough there will be a Part 2 to the movie, which I am VERY EXCITED TO SEE. In addition to Bradley Cooper, Robert De Niro also stars in this movie. Robert was born on August 17, 1942, in New York City. Some of my favourite movies with Robert De Niro in them are, Meet the Parents, and Meet the Fockers.

   The themes of this movie include mystery, thriller, and action. I think that this movie is considered mysterious because  we are always wondering what will happen next. I predict that there will be a lot of scenes where Eddie Morra is running away from the forces that want to take his gift away because the trailer above really sets the tone about the people that are after him. The rating of this film is 7 of out 10, PG 13. I personally think it is a 7.5 out of 10 because I am interested in this storyline, and I really wish to find out what happens in the end.

Thanks for listening!